Acute Leukemia & its investigation modalities

1. What is Acute Leukemia?

Acute leukemia is a type of blood cancer. It is characterized by the rapid and uncontrolled growth of precursors (Immature) white blood cells which are called as blasts. Production of normal blood cells is decreased. There are two main types of acute leukemia: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

2. What are the symptoms of acute leukemia?

The common symptoms and signs tiredness, fatigue, weakness, frequent infections, fever, bruising or bleeding easily, leg pain, weight loss, bone pain, swollen lymph nodes and Enlarged organs such as Liver (Hepatomegaly) and Spleen (Splenomegaly).

3. What are the investigations for diagnosis of Acute Leukemia and are these available in Ujjain

A. CBC (Complete blood counts): This along with Peripheral blood smear examination are the primary tests for initial diagnosis of Acute Leukemia. This testwill tell about number and type of blood cells in the sample. Usually, hemoglobin and platelet count is reduced while White cell count (WBC) will be increased.
B. Peripheral blood smear examination: Presence of abnormal cells (Blasts) is detected under the microscope.
C. Bone marrow examination: Sample of bone marrow is taken from hip bone and it is examined under microscope to count the number of abnormal cells (Blasts) and to check whether other normal cells are present or not.
D. Flowcytometry: A very important investigation to classify type of Acute Leukemia. This can be done on Peripheral blood or Bone marrow. Fast, efficient and compulsory test before starting the treatment
E. Cytogenetics and Molecular genetics. These tests are done to look for the genetic abnormalities causing the disease. *
F. Others: In some cases, CSF examination, Fluid examination and some radiological investigations such as CT scan and MRI may be advised.

All these tests are available in Ujjain at an economical price.

For a few tests (cytogenetics and molecular testing), Sample collection is available.

4. What is the exact cause of Acute Leukemia? Is it hereditary? Can it be prevented.

Although the exact cause is unknown, but many molecular alterations have been well established which are involved in Acute Leukemia.However, some risk factors include exposure to high levels of radiation, certain chemotherapy drugs, certain genetic disorders, and some environmental factors.

In most of the cases Acute Leukemia is not inherited. However, it is associated with certain genetic conditions such as Down’s syndrome.

There is no established way of preventing Acute Leukemia. Avoiding exposure to unnecessary radiation and chemical carcinogens is advisable. Early diagnosis and early treatment reduces mortality. Regular health checkups and seeking health advice for all symptoms is the best way to detect acute leukemia and start early intervention

5. Can we treat Acute Leukemia? Is treatment available in Ujjain?

Acute Leukemia can be treated in most of the conditions. The response to treatment depends on type of leukemia, patient’s age, geneticabnormalities and compliance to treatment. With ongoing research many options are and tailor – made treatment is possible. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is essential for better outcomes.

The treatment facilities are available in Ujjain and many patients are being treated here.

Dr Gautam Bhagwat (Pathology)

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