Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery

A ‘Smile’ is a curve that sets everything straight. Your smile is the first thing that people notice which helps in creating an everlasting impression. At department of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery we ensure that our skilled professionals take utmost care when it comes to taking care of something as precious.

Facilities / Services provided
At Avanti Hospital, we provide complete dental care solutions to array of dental problems like teeth whitening, root canal, dental implant placements, veneers, braces, smile designing and also various cosmetic and maxillofacial surgeries procedures all under one roof.

The Department Of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery

At Avanti we have a specialized dental team comprising of the best of dental professionals in Ujjain who put their continuous efforts to deliver the best and the most advanced dental care using highly specialized, technologically advanced equipments which aid in providing best of aesthetic and surgical dental procedures.

Our Specialized Service - Dental Implant Surgery

It is a surgical procedure involving replacement of damaged or missing teeth with artificial ones that have aesthetics and functioning much like the natural ones. Dental implant surgery offers a much efficient and hassle free alternative to the ill-fitting dentures or bridgework.
The type of dental surgery to be performed depends on various factors like condition of the jaw bones, the type of teeth to be replaced, type of aesthetic requirement, and the present condition of your jawbone. The placement of implant inside your jaw bone is followed by healing of normal bone tightly around the implant giving it a natural tooth root like anchor which is later followed by placement of artificial crowns of teeth to be replaced.

Who Can Opt For A Dental Implant?

  • Individuals who have lost their teeth long back making it impossible to construct a conventional dental bridge.
  • Patient allergic to/or who cannot tolerate a denture in their mouth.
  • If there is enough jaw bone left to support the implant (if enough natural bone is not available then a prior bone grafting may be required).
  • There should be enough available space to accommodate the prosthesis over the implants.
  • Age in itself is not a factor in the choice of treatment, as general health and attitude are much more important in the decision to use dental implants.

Is The Implant Procedure Safe & Painless?

The implant placement usually takes around 45-60 minutes depending on the location and number of implants to be placed. It is usually done under local anesthesia and is generally not painful. Post implant placement your dentist may prescribe medication to alleviate any minor pain you may encounter post surgery.

The implant placement surgery procedure is basically non-invasive and is non-surgical in nature with a minimally associated risk however no medical treatment can be guaranteed 100% success without associated minor risks and failure

What Are The Risks Involved In A Dental Implant Surgery?

Like any surgery, dental implant surgery poses minor health risks. Problems are rare, and if they occur they’re usually minor and can be easily managed. However it’s a good idea to be a little familiar with the post implant complication that may occur like:-

  • Infection at the implant site
  • Injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels
  • Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips or chin
  • Sinus problems, when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into the sinus cavities

How Do We Make Our Teeth Last Longer?

  • Practice regular oral hygiene: Just as with your natural teeth, implants, artificial teeth and gum tissue must be kept clean. Specially designed brushes, such as an inter-dental brush that slides between teeth, can help clean the nooks and corners around teeth, gums and metal abutments.
  • Regular dental visit: Schedule dental checkups every six months to one year to ensure the health and proper functioning of your implants.
  • Avoid damage to implants: Don’t chew hard items, such as ice and hard candy, which can break your prosthetic crowns or your natural teeth. Avoid tooth-staining habits like chewing tobacco and caffeine products. Get your treatment if you have a habit of grinding your teeth

Consultants at Ujjain

Highly competent team of medical professionals and compassionate support staff.

Make An Appointment

Book your appointment with our consultants.
by phone – 0734-2537135

Email : avatihospitalujn@gmail.com

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