Neurosurgery deals with diseases of Brain, Spinal Cord, Spine and Nerves. Diseases such as Trauma (Cranio Spinal Trauma), Brain Tumors, Intracranial Aneurysms, Arteriovenous Malformation, Hydrocephalus, Brain Abscess etc. afflict Brain and Spinal Cord. If these are not diagnosed and treated properly and timely, they may result in severe disability and even death.
Dealing with life-threatening brain, elective pathologies and spinal cord neurosurgery has made a lot of technological advances.
The Neurosurgery Department of Avanti Hospital offers comprehensive treatments for all brain and spine disorders and illnesses.
The team consists of senior consultants with expertise in various dimensions of advanced micro-surgical techniques are backed with an experienced and qualified support staff team, which makes us one of the best neurosurgery hospitals in Central India.
A Brain & Spine surgery is required to repair structural problems in your brain & spine, they can either be due to birth defects, injuries, or age related causes any other problems. Some of the conditions that require neurosurgery are:
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Qualification & Experience
OPD : Mon. – Sat
Timing : 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
02:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Consultant Neurophysician
Clinical Experience of more than 5+ Year
Qualification & Experience
Timing : 03:00 am to 05:00 pm
Consultant Neurologist